Category: Gone Fishing

Gone Fishing – Crawling Valley

 The drive out From Calgary takes approximately 1 hour and 20 minutes, but if you’re a die hard fisherman like myself; you’ll probably get there in an hour. The fishing out here is usually awesome all summer long and be sure you bring enough minnows in case the fish go bananas, because you’ll get those …

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Gone Fishing – May

Well I’m happy to say that I was out on the Bow River floating this past weekend and had a very successful trip. Finally the wind had died down enough so I could float without paddling all the way down the river. The last two times I went out was a complete disaster because the …

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Gone Fishing – May

Within the first five minutes of the trip I was in to my first trout, a feisty Rainbow that measured 18 inches in length. I was using the silver Panther Martin spinner and this Rainbow did not want to be on the end of it I can tell you that much. He came out of …

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