General Info- Products

Have you ever gone to your local tackle shop looking for that old faithful lure that works almost every time you go fishing? Well I was in my local tackle store recently and went looking for some of my go to lures, what I refer to here is the Blue Fox Vibrax Minnow Spinner. When I buy tackle I usually by five or six of my favorite lures, so if I lose one or two on the trip; I still have four left to use on my trip. I’ve never seen a tackle shop on the side of the river where you can pull over and buy more tackle, even though this would be a very good idea. Anyhow I head down the isle to buy my product and see that they are all sold out. I then proceed to the front counter for some information assistance and the salesman informs me that Blue Fox has discontinued this product as “world wide sales are low”. At this time I am about to lose control and head straight down to wherever and get some answers. It baffles me to no end why a tackle manufacturer would discontinue a product that has a proven track record.