Tackle – Blue Fox

Next I would like to talk about the Blue Fox Vibrax Minnow Spinners or what I like to call my all-time Brown Trout lure. These lures cannot be beaten when it comes to fishing for HUGE trout on the Bow River. Tom. B and I were out on the Bow one mid-summer evening in 2004. Fishing within the city limits of Calgary under the Bridge, were both chucking Minnow Spinners and the next thing you know Tom’s rod is bent over with the tip almost touching the river. He battles this monster for around five minutes and finally gets this thing to shore and I’m like, oh my good lord that’s the biggest Brown I’ve ever seen.

Some people were walking their dog that evening and said exactly what I was thinking. So out comes the measuring tape from my back pack while Tom’s unhooking the monster, the people walking their dog take a photograph and I measure the Brownie; 30 inches and what a beautiful fish. We pause for a moment to take in what had just transpired and back at it we went. The color he was using that day was hot orange or as Blue Fox calls it, Gold Fluorescent Red. These lures will catch you MASSIVE Brown and Rainbow trout on a consistent basis, and once you start catching fish with these lures, you will never and I mean never, not have these in your tackle box! In addition to the hot orange minnow spinner, the most common minnow spinner I like to use is the Brown trout pattern in the 7/ 16 weights or size 9.