Tag: how to catch trout on the bow river using a spinner

Trout Fishing And Water Temperature, What You Need to Know

Bow river water cools as winter is upon us now

  Water temperatures and trout fishing Most of us anglers are aware that the temperature of the water can either increase our chances or decrease them depending on water temperature. Winter is here in Alberta and the water is cold, not glacial yet but still quite cold. A generalization can be made for preferred trout …

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Spin Fishing The Bow River On A Warm Winters Day

trout fishing the lower bow river December 10 2011

It ended just like it began! If you live in a place that gets’ cold and snows in the winter, you then know how hard it sometimes is to make it out to your local river for some open water fishing. Lucky I live in Alberta where a Chinook is a welcomed friend and a …

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Looking Back At The Special Places We Fish

A look through the trees at the beautiful Bow River

  A journey to the special places in our heart Do you ever feel like going to your favorite fishing lake or river and just sitting quietly and watching the trout rise for flies? Just being there is soothing to the heart and the soul. Sitting on that dead tree fallen many years ago and …

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A Birthday Gift Of Trout

All I want for my birthday is a BIG FAT trout I awoke on Friday morning wondering what to do for my birthday. I had the day off of work and had and had some errands to run in the morning. By the time ten rolled around, I was done running around Calgary. I stopped …

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