Ask Mike- Tips & Advice

Variables of Weather

Does weather play a factor when fishing for Trout? It certainly can and sometimes does play a big factor when fishing for Trout. In my many years of trout fishing I have studied weather and fished in all types of weather to see what weather does for, or against fishing for trout. When is the best time to fish, when it’s sunny and warm; when it’s cooler and cloudy or is it in the middle of winter after a snow fall?

When I began fishing I would ask my grandfather these questions and he usually knew the answer. The thing is you have to go out a field test the answer to this question for yourself. One guy will tell you one thing, the next guy will tell you the first guy does not know what he is talking about, and the third guy will tell you that both of these guys are full of you know what.

I am going to give you what works best for me on the Bow River system. Here lies another question; if it works well on the Bow River will it work on the Snake River, how about the Skeena River and so on. This is why you must become intimate with you own river and get to know it well. Carry a log book and write down some notes, was it cloudy, what was the barometric pressure that day, what was the water temperature that day. All these factors will help you become a more productive fisherman. If you’re not a serious fisherman like I am then just go out there and have some fun. I personally need to know all these things as I am a part time fishing guide. I need to have the upper hand and provide my client some large trout.

I would encourage you to start taking some quick notes, you don’t need to write a novel just quickly write what the water temperature was, what the temperate on the day was, what the temperature was when you were catching your fish; 20 degrees, 15 degrees. Then on your spare time you compile the data and you will start to see patterns develop. Than you can hone you skills and pass on this info, or you can keep it to yourself. Then your buddies will ask, “How come you caught 10 trout and I only caught 1”.


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    • Marc Poirier on February 8, 2007 at 7:20 am

    Hi Mike

    I read your comment on my blog re: vertical jigging techniques.

    I agree trolling is good while you’re having a sandwich and a drink, and it helps cover more water, but it’s not the most engaging form of fishing.

    Everytime I drive over the Bow river I look down and for the next 5 minutes I’m dreaming of going down on a tube. The next time I’m in town and if the time of the year is right, I will want you to guide me for a day.


  1. Hey Marc, I like your website man. Lots of very good fishing tips and other great stuff. The Bow River just calls out to be floated. You cover so much prime fishing water you otherwise could not reach. I look forward to guiding you for the day Marc, this river will blow your mind. Thanks for your comment Marc and look forward to meeting you out on the river. Mike.

    • dave from LA on February 12, 2007 at 6:28 pm

    can you share Marc’s website with the rest of us?

  2. No problem Dave, Marc’s website address is Marc is a fishing nut like me. I hope you enjoy his website. Mike.

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